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Why Schedule a QHHT Session?

Exploring Motivations Behind QHHT and BQH Sessions.

In this article I will share with you common motivations behind scheduling a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) or a BQH (Beyond Quantum Hypnosis) session. The purpose of these sessions is to allow one to relax into a deep state of relaxation where they can access deep truths that can only be found within the subconscious mind. The subconscious is the source of inner wisdom and these modalities allow one to access this wisdom to gain clarity on why things are the way they are and ultimately create change in their lives. 

Introducing QHHT

QHHT was founded by Dolores Cannon in the 1960s and has since been taught globally. Dolores is a pioneer of regression hypnosis and metaphysics, which were rarely discussed at the time that she was practicing hypnotherapy. What distinguishes QHHT from regular hypnotherapy is that QHHT takes one into the deepest state of trance possible, otherwise known as the somnambulistic level of trance. This is the “in between” state between waking and sleep state. It can also be referred to as the “theta” brain wave state. Regular hypnotherapy, by contrast, aims to address habits and behavioral concerns. It is much more limited compared to more progressive forms of hypnosis.

Because QHHT provides to answers to any questions that one may have, the client is encouraged to prepare a list of questions prior to their session. These questions may be related to their career, relationships, health, and more. 

In a typical QHHT session, lasting 4 hours, a trained practitioner will interview the client to discuss their main concerns and understand the main events and people that shaped them throughout their life. This interview, which typically lasts two hours, is very important because the practitioner needs to understand the client very well in order to facilitate a great hypnosis session. It is not uncommon for clients to make connections and experience insights during this interview, as they are reviewing their whole life and this can bring a lot of clarity. 

After the interview, the practitioner will facilitate the hypnosis portion of the appointment. The client will be invited to relax and visualize objects and scenes in order to use the right side of the brain. Unlike the left side of the brain, which is responsible for logic, analysis, and problem solving, the right side of the brain is responsible for our intuition, creativity, and imagination. The client will have a dream-like experience revealing wisdom from their subconscious that is relevant to their present concerns. The practitioner will use this session to obtain answers to any questions that the client has. The hypnosis portion of their time together is record and shared with the client to listen to after the appointment. 

Distinguishing between QHHT and BQH

BQH is very similar to QHHT but not identical. These sessions take place online and are shorter in duration (3 hours). The objectives of BQH sessions are the same, but a shorter session time is permitted due to session being held online. 

Reasons to Pursue a QHHT Session

The following list outlines the reasons why one might consider a QHHT or BQH session:

Life Purpose

Every life has a purpose. Quantum Hypnosis reveals the soul’s purpose in the present lifetime. This can otherwise be referred to as their “mission”, or what they came to do. When one knows their purpose, they can feel more comfortable making decisions in alignment with this purpose. We all come with a different purpose and when we understand this we can spend less time comparing ourselves to others and more time focusing on ourselves and our own growth. 

Life Lesson

Every life has a lesson. Quantum Hypnosis reveals what the soul came to learn in the present lifetime. Everyone has a different lesson. Examples are learning to trust one’s intuition, express one’s divine feminine, and be content on one’s own. There may be more than one lesson that the soul hoped to learn in the given lifetime.

Review Past Lives

Clients are often curious about past lives and wish to know if a problem or pattern that they are experiencing in the present life could be related to a past life. Past lives are not necessarily important to know about because we are focused on the present life, but if issues from past lives are carrying forward and affecting the present life (eg. our relationships, physical health, mental health, etc) it can be helpful to investigate the relevant past life and heal this so that it does not carry forward. Clients may also be curious to know if there is anyone in their present life that they knew in a past life. This curiosity generally comes second to more pertinent questions and concerns, through it can still be addressed in a Quantum Hypnosis session.

Relationship Issues

Clients may be experiencing conflicts in their relationships or relationship patterns and dynamics that they would like to better understand and heal. They may also be coming to heal the effects of past interpersonal traumas. All of these concerns can prevent one from forming healthy connections, highlighting the importance of getting to the root of the problem. Quantum Hypnosis can provide clarity by revealing past-life connections, karmic ties, and any other explanations for relationship challenges. During a session, it is very common for clients to heal relationships through forgiveness and understanding. This relieves a huge emotional burden and has beautiful implications for future relationships. 

Emotional Healing

Quantum Hypnosis has great potential for emotional healing, whether it be related to past experiences, childhood traumas, grief, or unresolved conflicts. These sessions can also provide clarity regarding the source of one’s emotional experience. As an extension of this healing, clients report greater well-being and richer relationships.

Self Identity

One of the most popular reasons to seek out a QHHT session is to know oneself. Quantum Hypnosis allows one to better understand their needs, desires, aversions, dreams, and aspirations, permitting them to live authentically and have greater peace and self-acceptance. Quantum Hypnosis can also shed light on one’s gifts and what makes them unique, allowing one to embrace their differences, embrace who they are, and recognize their self-worth.

Health Concerns

Quantum Hypnosis reveals the role of the mind in the manifestation of physical ailments. These sessions also reveal the energetic or emotional imbalances contributing to various health concerns. 

Spiritual Inquiry

Some clients want to explore deeper spiritual truths or investigate the existence of higher consciousness. They may also want to deepen their relationship with their higher selves and spirit guides or gain insights into their soul’s journey.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Quantum Hypnosis sessions shed light on the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding one back from growing and embodying their full potential. These sessions can reveal the root causes of these limiting beliefs so that the client can feel empowered to create the life they desire. 

Existential Crises

It is not uncommon for individuals to live their lives according to the plans and expectations of others. When this happens, one can reach a point of existential questioning and dissatisfaction. They may feel disconnected from themselves, frustrated, and confused. Quantum Hypnosis can support them to come back to themselves and understand what it looks like to live an authentic life. This insight makes it easy to make big life changes and trust that they are on the right path. These sessions can also provide peace of mind regarding the fears that one may have relating to these life changes. 

Every QHHT Session is Unique

Every individual is unique, therefore no Quantum Hypnosis session looks the same. Clients schedule such a session because they feel compelled to. When they are responding to their heart’s calling to have a QHHT or BQH session, they are guaranteed to get a lot of value and clarity from the session. It is important to honor the heart’s impression regarding the modality and practitioner. It makes a big difference to have a session with someone that you trust and feel comfortable with. Once you schedule a session, surrender to the process and let go of all expectations. Trust that you are divinely guided and that you will get all of the answers that you need. 

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