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Image by Hannah Bruckner


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. 'Reiki' can be translated to mean 'universal life energy'. This healing modality is based on the belief that life energy flows through all living beings, and when this energy is low or blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances or ailments.


During a Reiki session, a practitioner channels this universal life energy through their hands to the recipient, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and the body's natural healing processes. The practitioner places their hands lightly on or near specific areas of the recipient's body, focusing on energy centers known as chakras, meridians, or areas of tension or discomfort. The energy transferred during a Reiki session is believed to help remove energetic blockages, restore balance to the body's energy system, and stimulate the body's innate healing abilities.


​Reiki is often described as a gentle and non-invasive healing modality that can be used to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. It is commonly used to alleviate stress, anxiety, pain, and fatigue, as well as to promote relaxation, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. Reiki is not associated with any specific religion or belief system and can complement other medical or therapeutic treatments. Many people find Reiki sessions to be deeply calming, nurturing, and transformative experiences that support overall health and wellness.

Why have a QHHT® session?

A Reiki treatment has the potential to bring many benefits. Everyone's experience with Reiki is unique and it is therefore important to remain open-minded and trust that you will receive what is in your best interest.  Many potential benefits of a Reiki session include the following:


  1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Reiki will support you to relax deeply so that you can benefit more fully from the treatment. It can provide a deep sense of peace and an inner knowing that everything will be okay. It can also leave you feeling recharged and refreshed, like you would feel after a long vacation.

  2. Emotional Healing: Reiki can help with anxiety, depression and grief. It can also release emotional blockages that are preventing you from moving forward in the way that you want to.

  3. Physical Healing: Reiki is a great resource in conjunction with other medical approaches, as it has great potential to relieve pain and at times provide physical healing. It can also alleviate chronic fatigue and insomnia.

  4. Spiritual Growth: Reiki will support you in your efforts to grow spiritually and cultivate greater self-awareness. This self-awareness will help you to create change in your life and overcome patterns that are holding you back from living the life that you desire.

What to expect from a QHHT session:

Before the session

Preparing for a Reiki session involves creating a calm and comfortable environment for both the practitioner and the recipient. Here are some ways to prepare for a Reiki session:


  1. Set an Intention: Before the session, take a few moments to set an intention for your healing. This could be a specific goal or simply a desire to receive healing energy for your highest good.

  2. Wear Comfortable Clothing: Choose loose, comfortable clothing that allows you to relax fully during the session. Avoid wearing jewelry or accessories that may interfere with the flow of energy.

  3. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before your session to stay hydrated and support the body's natural detoxification process.

  4. Arrive Early: Arrive a few minutes early for your appointment to allow time to settle in and relax before the session begins.

  5. Communicate with me if you have any questions: If you have any specific concerns or preferences, such as areas of the body to focus on or any medical conditions, communicate them to me before the session begins.

  6. Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing, meditation, or other relaxation techniques before your session to help calm the mind and body.

  7. Open Mind and Heart: Approach the session with an open mind and heart, trusting in the healing power of Reiki and allowing yourself to receive the energy fully.

During the session

During a Reiki session, recipients can expect a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience focused on balancing and harmonizing their energy. Here's what typically happens during a Reiki session:


  1. Discussion: Whether it is your first time seeing me or a follow up session, we will begin with a short discussion regarding how you are doing and what your primary concerns are. 

  2. Lying comfortably: I will have you lie down comfortably, fully clothed. I provide you with a pillow and blanket for added comfort.

  3. Hands-On Healing: I will place their hands lightly on or slightly above your body in a series of gentle hand placements. These placements correspond to the body's energy centers, known as chakras, as well as other areas of the body where energy may be blocked or imbalanced.

  4. Flow of Healing Energy: I will channel Reiki energy through my hands into the your body, allowing the energy to flow freely and facilitate healing. Recipients often describe sensations of warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation during this process.

  5. Release of Tension: As the Reiki energy works to release tension and stress stored in your body, you may experience emotional releases, such as crying or laughter, as well as physical sensations of relief or lightness (to name some examples).

  6. Inner Peace and Clarity: Many recipients report feeling a sense of inner peace, calm, and clarity during and after the session. Reiki can help quiet the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote a greater sense of overall well-being.

  7. Closing the Session: Once the energy work is complete, the I will gently conclude the session. I encourage clients to take their time reorienting themselves and integrating the experience before getting up.

After the Session

After a Reiki session, individuals can expect various physical, emotional, and spiritual responses as the effects of the energy work continue to unfold. Here's what one can typically expect after a Reiki session:


  1. Deep Relaxation: Recipients often experience a profound sense of relaxation and calmness after a Reiki session. This relaxation can linger for hours or even days, promoting better sleep and reduced stress levels.

  2. Increased Energy: While Reiki induces relaxation, it can also boost energy levels and vitality. Many recipients report feeling more energized and rejuvenated after a session, ready to tackle tasks with renewed vigor.

  3. Emotional Release: Reiki helps release pent-up emotions and energetic blockages stored in the body, leading to emotional catharsis or a sense of lightness. Recipients may experience feelings of peace, contentment, or even euphoria as they let go of stress and tension.

  4. Heightened Awareness: Some individuals notice heightened awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and surroundings after a Reiki session. They may feel more present, mindful, and attuned to their inner guidance, leading to greater clarity and insight.

  5. Physical Sensations: Recipients may continue to experience physical sensations such as warmth, tingling, or waves of energy moving through their body in the hours following a session. These sensations are signs that the healing process is ongoing.

  6. Integration Period: It's common for individuals to have an integration period after a Reiki session, during which they process and integrate the energetic shifts that occurred. This may involve introspection, journaling, or simply allowing time for reflection and rest.

  7. Long-Term Benefits: The effects of Reiki are cumulative, meaning that regular sessions can lead to lasting improvements in physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being over time. Recipients often notice positive changes in their overall health, mood, and outlook on life with continued practice.


Overall, the post-Reiki experience varies from person to person, but most individuals feel lighter, more balanced, and more aligned with their true selves after a session. It's essential to honor and nurture these feelings by practicing self-care and staying attuned to one's needs in the days following a Reiki session.

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