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QHHT | Healing with Pascale
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Quantum Healing 
Hypnosis Technique

What is QHHT?®

The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was developed by Dolores Cannon over her 50 year hypnosis career. It takes clients into the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. This deep level of relaxation allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers : the "all knowing" part of themselves. It is an immense resource of wisdom, intelligent insight and knowing that can bring real meaning, fulfillment, and purpose to your life. Your Higher Self can answer any and every question you have. 


With QHHT®, you will come to understand yourself better. This will give you a sense of peace and from this place of peace and acceptance, you will be able to create change in your life. 

Why have a QHHT® session?

Most are compelled to have a QHHT® session to better understand themselves, their purpose in life and what they came to do. A QHHT® session is known to bring tremendous insight on why things are the way they are so that you can feel empowered to create change in your life. In a session you may confront and understand the origin of your fears and limiting beliefs so that you can release them. You may also experience a greater understanding of your challenges and lessons in this life by recognizing why things have happened the way they did. You may also come to know your full potential, strengths and gifts.

What to expect from a QHHT session:

Before the session

Before your QHHT session, you will make a list of any questions that you would like answers to, and any concerns that you would like to address. Here are some examples:


  • What is my purpose in this life?

  • What did I come here to do?

  • What is my mission in this life?

  • What did I come to learn in this life?

  • What is the role of ___ (specific person) in my life?

  • What do I have a fear of ___? 

  • How can I release my blocks about ___?

  • Why do I keep attracting the same type of partner?

  • Why do I suffer from ___ in this lifetime?

  • Do I have any karmic contracts with ___?

  • What skills and gifts do I have that I am not using?

  • Why did I choose my partner/parents/child?

  • Am I on the right career path?

  • Why do I have ongoing pain in my ___?


Write down all the things you wish to know about yourself or your life experiences!


I encourage you to mediate the night before your session to connect with your higher self. Because the goal is to be very relaxed the day of your session, please abstain from drinking coffee the morning of.

During the session

The session will start with an interview get to know each other a bit more, and for me to gain more insight and clarity about the questions you have written down and brought with you. I explain what happens in the session and answer any questions you may have.


When we are ready to do the session, you lie down and I make sure you are comfortable. We’ll proceed with a light meditation where you’ll find yourself relaxing more deeply.


As you start going deeper into relaxation, you’ll able to access your subconscious mind. You will witness a scenario, quite often from a past life, that has the most relevance to your life right now. We will explore this past experience, gaining as much information as needed, to understand how it relates to your current life, the lessons learned and how your soul has grown from the experience.


Then, we call on your Higher Self, to whom I ask all the your questions.


When all your questions have been answered (or as many as we have time for on the day), your Higher Self conducts any healing for your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies that are required. You’ll also gain an understanding of why you may have a particular condition.


After the session, we have a debrief, making sure you are grounded before you leave.


The entire hypnosis session is recorded and the recording will be shared with you so that you can listen to it for further clarity and healing. 


Because this is such an in-depth process, you can expect this appointment to take 4-5 hours altogether. This is all accomplished in one day and you will see that the time flies by quickly! 

After the Session

I recommend that you do not make plans directly after the QHHT session. You will appreciate having time to assimilate the information that you received and reflect on its implications on your life. This is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself as it will bring tremendous self-knowledge, clarity and insight. 


In the days, weeks and months following your session you may experience:


  • Dreams with further information and more answers to your questions

  • A feeling of greater connection to your higher self and your intuition 

  • Increased clarity

  • A feeling of empowerment and confidence

  • A deeper understanding of your life

  • Inner peace

  • More freedom to make harmonious changes in your life


Usually, only one session is required, with a possible second session at a later date, however, once the connection to a person’s higher consciousness is attained during the session, more questions often arise. 


After the debriefing, you will feel relaxed and alert and you will be able to drive or commute home. It is advisable not to make any plans after your session as you will need time to integrate all the changes.

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